The Junior Art Club
This is a wonderful club that runs every Tuesday for disadvantaged young children aged 5-11 from the local area.
Each week we literally hear 25 little children running down the street to get to this colourful, welcoming safe place that they love so much! When the arrive they have time just to play and “be children”!.
They have the freedom to do whatever they want with their friends. Then we all sit down and we do a pre prepared activity. Each week it is something different and the parents are always amazed and delighted with the works of art/craft that the children proudly take home.
These children continue to attend our clubs through the difficult transitions in their childhood and teenage years and we support them individually in every way that we can.
The Junior Art Club is their introduction to this unique place and is very important. I believe that one of the unique things about this place is that, at the age of 5 the children can start at Junior Art Club and as the years go by they can grow and develop with our care and support and, taking into consideration the holistic nature of our work, they will grow in confidence and self-esteem.