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Arts for All October Newsletter

Ella Mason

October is always a busy month here at Arts for All, especially because it involves the annual Rainbow Club trip to Devon! Here is our monthly recap...

Devon 2024

Starting off with some photos from our week away in Devon! We squeezed so much into the week, from workshops doing glass slumping, needle felting and ceramics painting, to bowling, swimming, mini golf and go-karting, to a trip to the zoo, a walk on the moors, a trip out to Tavistock, multiple pub trips and of course - Elvis, and other evening entertainment!

There are so many photos, here are just a few!

HSBC volunteers

We had a group of volunteers from HSBC join us for both clubs, to do a workshop all about money. It was so engaging and both the adults as well as the kids loved it. We also had a lot of fun painting piggy banks!

Workshop with Connie from Second Act Gallery

We had Connie from the Second Act Gallery come to run a workshop with the kids club - she set up three different activities: Making landscapes from various materials such as fabric and feathers, creating mini fairy gardens with coloured sand and other materials, and newspaper sculptures. The session was busy and messy - just how we like it!

Big Syn Film Festival Nominees!

We have been selected for the Big Syn Film Festival Awards - we have the awards ceremony in November, and if we win, our film will be shown on Picadilly! A very (very!) short clip of it was shown as part of their promotions last week!

Viasat Raffle

Bennett Hay organised a raffle to raise money for Arts for All as the Viasat Offices.

Bennett Hay Christmas Card Competition

A little early to be getting in the spirit, but the kids dived in to a competition that was set by our friends at Bennett Hay - they all designed their own Christmas cards, and the winner will have their card produced and used as Bennett Hay's card of the year, as well as a lovely cash prize!

Halloween Baskets & Activities

We got spooky before the kids broke up for half term, by making Trick or Treat Halloween Baskets!! They also got creative making other halloween inspired decorations.

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