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Ella Mason

Arts for All November Newsletter!

We can't believe it's the end of November already! As usual, a great month - see what we have been up to!

Workshop at the church

We headed back to the Art and Soul club at St Peters Bethnal Green where they tried some new techniques with ink, and of course enjoyed tea and biscuits.

Painting Hearts for an Exhibition

The group worked hard this month on a collaborative piece for an upcoming exhibtion, they painted Hearts, for the Hart Hotel. They also painted some beautiful watercolour landscape as you can see Tony doing with a big grin!

Hart Hotel Shoreditch Exhibition

The Hart Hotel invited us to view the exhibition and enjoy an amazing lunch in their restaurant. The Rainbow Club's work was displayed so beautifully and the desserts went down a treat.

Wax Drip Painting

Aaliyah and other members of the Kids Club put their creativity to the canvas by melting wax and making a colourful waxy rainbow!

Debbie's Birthday

This month, Debbie celebrated her 58th birthday! She had a Mickey Mouse themed party with all of her friends and recieved a personalised mug.

Our Community

Arts for All wants to support those who will struggle to cope this winter by helping to provide essential items. If you know of anyone who might be suffering due to the cost of living please do not hesitate to contact Caroline for a confidential chat.

If there is anything you can do to help in terms of donations (food or other items) please also contact Caroline.

Coming up in December....

Starting off strong, the Rainbow club are heading to The Cake Hole for a lovely lunch. We also have a lunch and art collection tour at Weil Law Firm, after that we are heading to Columbia Road Christmas Market for a fun & festive evening! To continue with the festivies we have a Carol Service. On the 14th December, we are having the children's Christmas party!

For any questions on how to get involved with the charity, please do get in touch with either Caroline or Ella on the below:

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